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Project Rescue by Dr. Cornelius Boersch

We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Cornelius Boersch, would not take place without which the continuation of our project and enjoy.
Through its active support of the staff and I have even taken courage, and now look back on a successful path in the future.

The mediation of different investors, supporting companies and organizations has allowed us to proceed with this project.
For the whole team, we speak to Mr. Conny hereby made our thanks.
We are pleased that we continue to educate people about ecological and economical electric scooter.

cornelius-boersch-preis Conny is internationally active business angel, who predominantly in young World Wide Web companies investing activities. Conny has on this subject already published several books. How useful it can be to create a networking platform that BUSINESS Angels plus investors brings with start-ups and young Entrepreneurs together, know the author of the up days, Conny, only too well. In the interview with the "Manager Magazin Online" explains Business Angel Cornelius Boersch, what matters in the construction, which markets (to date ) are in demand from investors and how the best interests can be merged.

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